That little brown box again
The police were on site along with the two gentlemen. They have been pondering this little brown box for hours. “I wonder where it came from” said the neighbor. they decided to call their lawyer.
I’ll be down in a bit. Don’t do anything. Don’t touch anything.
Upon the lawyer’s arrival, a bird swooped down and landed on the box.
“Look at that bird sitting on the box” the officer announced. “maybe it’s the bird’s box.”
All four men stood there and admired the bird on the box. The lawyer asks questions because he is a lawyer. The next thing to happen took everyone by surprise. That little brown box jumped up off the ground. It jumped about 10 feet off the ground.
“It must be an alien box,” said the homeowner
“I’ve never seen anything like it before”
It’s been eight hours all three men have been staring at this little brown box.
“I bet we had visitors from Uranus. Yep, they dropped this package off and took off back to Uranus,” Officer said.
That little brown box just jumped off the ground. Then went right back to setting on the ground underneath that shady elm tree. Cars were passing by, but nobody stopped to admire the little brown box. it was almost like the little brown box was only intriguing…